

Gordon Steel, The Steel Company, Hollywood

Bonnie Milani rewrote my TV pilot treatment.  As well as coming up with many good & creative suggestions she was a pleasure to work with and deal with professionally.

She has the ability to not only write quickly but to do what for me is most important: create content that will move audiences emotionally.  

Just providing information doesn't matter.  Audiences laughing crying being sad being happy being thrilled being scared as a result of creative work - THAT matters.

Robert Lee Beers, Author, Tony Mandolin Series

Bonnie was kind enough to offer me her expert eye regarding my short story, Hole Lotta Shakin’. As this story has been optioned by TallTaleTV for production into a serialized Audio Drama, I find her suggestions to not be just informative, but essential to the completion of this project.

Robert Lee Beers Author of The Tony Mandolin Mysteries